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Chris Poskitt

Associate Professor of Computer Science (Education)
School of Computing and Information Systems
Singapore Management University
80 Stamford Road
Singapore 178902

Office: SCIS 2, Level 4, Room 4098

cposkitt@smu.edu.sg   +65 6826 1376

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Photo of Chris Poskitt

I am a faculty member in the School of Computing and Information Systems at Singapore Management University, where I am part of the System Analysis and Verification (SAV) group. I completed my PhD in 2014 at the University of York (UK), under the supervision of Detlef Plump. Before coming to Singapore, I was a postdoc for three years at ETH Zürich, where I worked with Bertrand Meyer.

My research broadly addresses the problem of engineering correct and secure software/systems. I have worked on techniques for testing/defending cyber-physical systems using fuzzing and machine learning, tools for analysing execution models of concurrency APIs, and logics for reasoning about the correctness of graph-rewriting programs.

Selected Recent Publications

See my research for more.

Current Teaching

2024-25 Term 1 CS302: IT Solution Lifecycle Management
IS212: Software Project Management
2023-24 Term 2 IS213: Enterprise Solution Development

See my teaching for more.

Recent Events

Programme Committees:

2024 FormaliSE, ICGT, SiMLA
2023 ESEC/FSE, ICGT (Co-Chair), ICSE (SRC Judge), iFM (PhD Symp.)

For my other activities, see here.